Monday, March 11, 2019
Country Review: China Essay
The stratum 2008 has been a colorful year for chinaw be, with a bent of until nowts to highlight the res publica all year round. The majestic Games was one of its most successful endeavors for the year. But the nation also had its percentage of controversies this year, carry on issues on food contamination and many more. Before the exceeding Games kicked score, one of the issues being discussed was the quality of chinas air. It is very of the essence(p) since the Olympic Games is a major sports event. In an bind from BBC countersign, china has corroborate that the air quality of the host city Beijing has been good (Bristow).The contamination level of the atomic number 18a was able to meet the expected standards on every(prenominal) day that the event and this is the output of extensive measures done in state to reduce the emissions during the Olympic Games. Another historic event for chinaware was the body politics first successful spacewalk, which was a part of a 68-hour sail in space. All three astronauts successfully returned to the Beijing Aerospace Center later on their three day mission in outer space(Yinan). China was the third gear country to conduct a spacewalk, behind the United States of America and Russia.The conspiracy of Shenzhou VII safely landed in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, crisscross the end of their space escapade which has started on kinfolk 25, 2008. In analogy to the two previous news phrases, China had enough origin to take note its National twenty-four hours uttermost(a) Monday because of their hosting of the Olympic Games in Beijing and the countrys first ever spacewalk. In a Yahoo tidings article, China highlighted on these two events as their biggest triumphs for the year, despite other issues like natural calamities, ethnic problems, and food safety turds (Chang).In Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabaos address, he touched lightly on the calamities and problems however gave nidus on Chinas ability to take care of all these issues. The 59th founding anniversary of the Peoples Republic of China is this coming Wednesday, and it would also mark thirty years of economic reforms, routine the country into one of the worlds largest factory floors. One of the calamities that shake China this year was a 7. 8 magnitude earthquake last August 12.In a BBC raws article, it was reported that almost 900 students are buried in a school building that collapsed when it was despatch by the killer quake (BBC News Hundreds Buried by China sway). The quake hit Sichuan provinces capital Chengdu, claiming hundreds of lives instantly. The rubbles of the Juyuan Middle domesticates building buried a lot of teenagers, some of which are still alive and desperately crying for help. President Hu Jintao immediately order an all out effort to help and rescue the victims of the killer earthquake.In another BBC News article go out August 10, 2008, seven militants and a security guard immedi ately died subsequently a series of bombings hit west China, specifically in the northwest area of the Xinjiang region (BBC News Deadly Violence Hits West China ). These acts of violence targeted a natural law station and other populated areas. Xinjiang has a large population of Muslim Uighurs, and some of them are separatists, fighting for independence and waging low level campaigns against the Chinese rule for several years already. In the aspect of foreign affairs, China also had its share of problems.In a Yahoo News article dated phratry 29, Chinese height take care Wen Jabao state that there is a need for more negotiation regarding Irans atomic program, rather than pressuring them more (Yahoo News). He regarded that major powers like China should focus more on pursuing peaceful talks to countries such(prenominal) as Iran, rather than resorting to the use of force and intimidation. He is more focused on the resolution of the problem in a peaceful way, rather than being ras h and using force, which would just heighten the tensions between the countries.According to the Prime Minister, Iran has the right to develop and utilize nuclear energy under the norms entrap by the international community, as long as they dont build weapons of mass destruction like atomic bombs. The Prime Minister also suggested that these actions should be under close observation by the UNs atomic watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency. China was also touch by the change magnitude oil prices. In a BBC News article, Chinas trade surplus was greatly affected by the increasing oil costs, wherein it fell 10% in May (BBC News vegetable oil Costs Hit China Trade extra).The main reason for this is the drastic increase in the cost of imported energy such as oil, and other raw materials being used by the country. However, reports showed that despite Chinas surplus is dimmeded, it still remains high compared to other countries. This is a reflectivity of Chinese economys re silience despite some slowdowns in other countries like the United States. Experts said that export components were expected to slow down throughout the year because of the increasing cost of oil, alone so far China has been doing well.In the wellness aspect China has experience several problems throughout the year. In a Los Angeles Times article dated May 4, 2008, China issues a virus alert after 23 lot were killed and left 4,000 others sick (Demick). The Chinese health Ministry issued a countrywide alert so that people would be informed and to fend off the possibility of a cover-up. The cause of the problem was the Enterovirus-71, which has also claimed lives in beside countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Vietnam.This virus is a perennial case in Asia, curiously in the hot and humid summer months. More deaths are expected, as the disease usually peaks in the Months of June and July, as the Health Ministry warned. This has caused a lot of people to be cautious, wh erein very few children or infants are seen on the streets, and even adults are even afraid to go out of their houses as they greatly fear the killer disease. The virus is characterized by occurrence of fever, and the ontogeny of sores in the mouth and facial area, and with blistery rashes.According to the World Health Organization, most cases are not fatal, as long as the people maintain a good hygiene. One of the most controversial issues go about by China this year was substandard food and other products that they import. In an article in The Guardian, dated April 22, 2008, China issues jail threat in their new food safety law (Branigan). This newly drafted law states that the manufacturers who release food items which are substandard could be facing a spirit behind bars if proven guilty.This is the governments response to allegations that the country is lenient in the aspect of food safety, thats why producers would frequently take advantage of the situation and produce fak e baby formula, drugs, and even toys with dangerous materials. This law would encompass not only food products but also cosmetics in order for them to boost the confidence of domestic consumers. The a la mode(p) of Chinas substandard products scandals was the discovery of melamine in confused food items, especially in draw products.Melamine is a salad dressing agent for boards and fibers, and is also an ingredient in making fertilizers. In an article in the M&C Health News dated kinfolk 19, 2008, Chinese health inspectors found melamine in fresh milk of three leading manufacturers in the country (M&C Health News). This interrogation and inspection was a government response to the contaminated milk scandal which has claimed the lives of several infants in the previous days. This has lead to nationwide inspection of milk and milk products, and many companies have already ordered a recover for their products in the world market.Works Cited BBC News. Deadly Violence Hits West Chin a . 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . . Hundreds Buried by China Quake. 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . . Oil Costs Hit China Trade Surplus. 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . Branigan, Tania. China Issues Jail Threat in New Food Safety Law. 2008. The Guardian. September 30 2008. . Bristow, Michael. China Jumps Olympics railway line Hurdle . 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . Chang, Anita. China Marks Olympics, Spacewalk for National Day. Yahoo News. September 30 2008. . Demick, Barbara. China Issues Virus Alert after 23 Die. 2008. Los Angeles Times. September 30 2008. .M&C Health News. Chinas Melamine Scandal Spreads to Fresh Milk . 2008. Monsters and Critics. September 30 2008. . Yahoo News. Dispute over Iran Requires More Negotiations Chinese Pm. 2008. Yahoo News. September 30 2008. . Yinan, Hu. Space Heroes Get a joyous Welcome. 2008. China Daily. September 30 2008. .
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