
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

United Nations Peacekeeping Essay example -- World Politics Peace UN E

United Nations PeacekeepingFigures Not AvailableThe United Nations is so radically defective that it is incapable of establishing realism order truth be told, non only has the UN missed to achieve its staykeeping operation objectives, but it was always bound to fail (Simioni 12). At first sight, it would seem that this is part of just one of the umpteen current debates close to the effectiveness of the UN as the main arbitrator of the international community. In fact, it reads one of the view points expressed in August 1947, in short after the failure of the first and only round of negotiations concerning the establishment of a transnational army under direct UN command (DEA 33). Since then, the controversy about the role of the United Nations in maintaining global security has remained an ever-current issue, with prominent semipolitical personalities contesting the reliability, and even the underlying principles of such an organization. In spite of the never-diminishing criticism, the UN remains a key player on the global arena, the only truly part spokesperson for an increasingly complex assembly of peace-seeking nations. Moreover, ever since its establishment in 1945, the United Nations has achieved notable successes in promoting world peace, by delivering efficient peacekeeping and peacemaking operations, by diversifying its conflict-prevention measures, and by maintaining an equidistant and impartial shoes towards combatant parties. These standards grow been considered essential in assessing the effectiveness of the UN throughout its existence. The neutral stance towards world issues was highly valued by the founders of the organization. Subsequently, former Secretary-General U Thant stated, the basis of the UN is the engage by sovereign states to co-operate in efficient joint missions to alleviate conflicts worldwide in a responsible and fair manner (qtd. in Schoenberg xi). In later age the trend to broaden peacekeeping initiatives repre sented Kofi Annans main strategy of further enhancing the organizations ability to cope with new geopolitical developments. Therefore, in evaluating UN successes it is essential to consider both quantitative and qualitative designate supporting the three above-mentioned criteria.From peacekeeping to peacemakingOver the years, the UN has moved from traditional, observer-based peacekeeping to more... ...ealing with relentless sovereign countries, the Security Council likewise coordinates the activity of the International contend Crimes Tribunal, which can prosecute war criminals in spite of the immunity offered by their political position. Thus, the UN is able to actively deter heads of state and other big officials from instigating to grave human rights violations and other types of abuses against the civilian population (War Crimes). Therefore, the anatomical structure and the prerogatives of the Security Council give the United Nations not only its highly valued impartiality an impartiality that is vital to the process of peacekeeping but also the ability to minimize the costs for the innocent bystanders of armed conflicts.Overall, the United Nations represent a mechanism that is highly proficient in promoting world peace, by deploying efficient peacekeeping and peacemaking operations, by implementing diverse conflict-prevention measures, and by maintaining an impartial position towards combatant parties. In fact, the UN is currently the only international organization that has the mandate of virtually the entire international community to work towards global peace and security.

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