
Monday, September 30, 2019

Foreseeable Future Essay

This paper is a discussion of a debate between Julian L. Simon, author of The Ultimate Resource, and David Pimentel et al., authors of the article â€Å"Impact of Population Growth on Food Supplies and Environment†. The debate centers on the question: â€Å"Will the World Be Able to Feed Itself in the Foreseeable Future?† I will summarize each side’s argument, identify the key point over which they most basically disagree, and explain what I would like to know more about in order to arrive at my own position on the issue. Simon argues that with our present technology, and with the technology that is still being developed, the world will easily be able to feed itself, regardless of the increasing size of its population. He explains how food production adheres to the law of supply and demand: an increase in population and income will produce a higher demand for food. For a short time some foods may become scarce. Rising food prices due to the scarcity will prompt agronomical researchers and farmers to invent better methods of producing food and therefore increase the food production. He emphasizes that this pattern can only continue if the agriculturally productive countries promote entrepreneurship and economic freedom. Simon points out that â€Å"the capacity of food-factory production has expanded to a degree almost beyond belief.† (Simon, p. 115). He describes how hydroponic farming, which involves indoor, factory-controlled conditions, is more land efficient and produces higher quality produce than traditional farming methods. He also argues that our food supplies are not limited by the amount of sunlight falling on green plants due to the availability of nuclear as well as non-nuclear power (such as solar cells, wind, and ocean currents) to make light. Simon also names other existing technology, such as bovine growth hormone and genetically engineered plants, which he predicts â€Å"will surely produce huge commercial gains in the next century.† (Simon, p. 117). In addition to an increase in the production of field crops, Simon also assures us that the world fish catch is rapidly increasing, and that aquaculture (fish farming) has the potential to expand exponentially. â€Å"Land is a small constraint, as catfish farming in Mississippi shows; present  methods produce about 3000 pounds of fish per acre, an economic return far higher than for field crops.† (Simon, p. 118). David Pimentel et al. disagree that the world will be able to feed itself in the foreseeable future. They point to a decreasing amount of fertile land, fresh water, energy, and biological resources needed to provide an adequate supply of food. Evidence supporting their claim includes the fact that nearly one-third of the world’s cropland is no longer being used due to erosion, and that â€Å"water shortages are reflected in the per capita decline in irrigation used for food production in all regions of the world during the past 20 years.† (Pimental et al., p. 122) Basing their projections on reports from the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Pimentel et al. predict that the U.S. will use up all of its own oil reserves within the next 15 or 20 years, causing an over-reliance on oil importing. In addition, Pimentel et al. point out that if the U.S. population doubles in the next 60 years, its cereal and other food imports to most of the other 182 nations would have to be kept at home to meet its own food supply needs. They warn that an increased demand for food due to physical and biological constraints without an increase in food production will cause a breakdown in international trade. â€Å"At that point, food importation for the rich can only be sustained by starvation of the powerless poor.† (Pimentel el al., p. 123). The key point over which Simon and Pimentel et al. disagree is whether or not current and new technology will be able to support the world population’s food needs. Simon contends, â€Å"Whether or not population grows exponentially, subsistence grows at an even faster exponential rate (largely but not entirely because of population growth.) And capacity to improve other aspects of the standard of living, beyond subsistence, grows at a still faster exponential rate, due largely to the growth of knowledge.† (Simon, p. 119). Pimentel, et al. believe that â€Å"improved technology will assist in more effective management and use of resources, but it cannot produce an unlimited flow of those vital natural resources that are the raw materials  for sustained agricultural production.† (Pimentel, p. 124). In other words, people cannot make topsoil or water. Pimentel et al. fail to mention such possible alternate solutions such as hydroponic farming or aquaculture. There are a number of things that I would want clarified before I could arrive at my own position on this issue. First, I would want to know how much â€Å"lag time† is occurring or will occur when the demand for food (or certain kinds of food, such as cereal), exceeds the supply. (â€Å"There is always some lag before supply responds to additional demand, which may mean that some will suffer.† – Simon, p. 120). Many people in the developing countries ARE currently going hungry. Will advances in technology, as well as changes in our social and economic systems, give us the ability to stop and prevent worldwide hunger? What would these social and economic changes look like? Another assertion by Simon that needs to be discussed further is the cost and dependability of using artificial light and nuclear power to farm hydroponically. It seems like a promising way to deal with the increased demand for food, but will the cost for this type of production be too high for developing countries? How will these countries be able to pay for food that is imported to them? Simon asserts that hydroponic produce â€Å"looks good and tastes good† (Simon, p. 116), but will time prove it to be as safe and healthy as food grown the traditional way? (e.g. NutraSweet, which has been proven to not be totally safe, vs. sugar.). Pimentel et al. point out the threat to our environment and biodiversity caused by overpopulation. Would a greater focus on conservation and an effort to reduce over-consumption and pollution on the part of developed countries make enough of a difference to still have adequate natural resources? (Is it possible to have it both ways: technologically advanced/safe food production and naturally produced food?) There also seems to be a discrepancy between Simon’s assertion that the annual fish catch is continuing to rise and Pimentel et al.’s statement that â€Å"Per capita fish catch has not increased even though the size and speed of  fishing vessels has improved.† (Pimentel, p. 125). Pimentel et al. also did not address the potential of aquaculture or hydroponic farming to supply food, or the capability of technology to produce artificial substitutes, even though they were able to gather a large amount of other data from such reputable sources as World Bank and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. In summary, I would like to obtain more factual information concerning actual and projected shortages of natural resources. I need more evidence that hydroponic and artificial food farming is more than adequate to meet the demand for food. Finally, I need to further understand the effects that population growth is having on our environment.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Does Jimmy Change During Fat Boy Swim Essay

Fat boy swim is about a boy who’s life has changed dramatically, from traumas and triumphs. Jimmy used to get bullied, he would cower in the corner and not be able to face the harsh critics. But when he started swimming he discovered a passion with connections to school, family life, appearance and most of all his dreams†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. When Jimmy has a crush, his confidence is boosted and he feels like superman! ‘Up,up and awayyy! ‘ The writer has written the feeling of a superman in an indirect way so we can interpret how much we think Jimmy has changed, depending on our personality. This is a good way with connecting to the auidience. To me this tells me that weightlessness of being ‘superman’ gives him so much confidence to stand up to bullies, and is loseing weight; so it makes him light and ‘free’. Jimmys weight has changed during fat boy swim, he used to fat and obese- â€Å"he only shuffled half a dozen steps† he could barely move as his rolls of fat just got in the way and his wheezyness slowed him down. This makes me feel quite sympathetic for him as he can help his weight but cant be bothered to change. This may be because he feels like there is nothing worth living for, as he hasn’t got a friend- or started swimming. At the end of this book he begins to lose weight and gain confidence. This is shown in chapter 27 as it says ‘He swung through the changing room doors like a gladiator’ The word swung suggests he was ‘bouncing’ through the door which potrays he was very happy. ‘like a gladiator’ also shows he was happy and brave- or confident because gladiators are known to be brave and confident. As gladiators fight a vicious battle and it’s quite an acheivement defeating your opponent, it tells us that Jimmy has achived something really great and he is proud. Jimmys personality has changed a lot during fat boy swim. He used to be very quiet and timid. ‘ he didn’t allow himself to dwell on reasons why things happened’. This shows Jimmy’s laziness and if it was a 1 time thing he would probobally act but as he didn’t it suggests something lke this has happened before. This makes Jimmy feel fed up because if I was him I would wonder why they were doing this to me. At the end of the book he gains confidence which is shown in ‘Jimmy could feel Victor’s Adam’s apple quiver under the preasure of his fingers. ‘ This cleary shows loudness as I don’t think someone quiet would be so defensive. The word quiver says that not just the readers but other characters in the book realise Jimmy’s personality change. This shows Jimmy is being quite mean, but I think it is justified as It tells Victor to back off, and to stop bullying Jimmy because they cant get away with it anymore. This makes me feel quite proud of Jimmy as before he used to put up with it and now he realises it isn’t right. This might make the reader think of their own actions as if they’re experiencing bullying they might take inspiration from Jimmy even if it isn’t the way Jimmy deals with bullies. At home Jimmy is very confused and overwhelmed, not helped by his Aunt , Aunt pol said â€Å"Binging because he is so flipping miserable. The word ‘flipping’ suggests that she is very angry at the fact that Mum is letting Jimmy do that, Aunt pol recognises he is miserable and readers may think that there is more going on between Mum and Aunt Pol†¦.. At the end of this book it becomes clear what is going on and Jimmy becomes louder and more bold. ‘Mums not my Mum’ This is a very short sentence to show how shocking it is and maybe shows how bluntly Jimmy was told. Using the word mum twice makes the reader reflect on how Jimmy was feeling and how lost Jimmy must of felt. It makes me feel a bit happy for him because even though at the moment he feels lost things in the future may become clearer. For example may be able to connect with his family more. I think Jimmy feels quite low, and it’s annoying that his family or school isn’t helping even though it is quite obvious how he’s feeling. For example he stays in his room alot of the time and eats junk food. In chapter 9 where it goes in to great detail about Jimmys binge eating. This chapter is important to the book because it tells us what Jimmy is feeling and what his family is feeling, which helps us to infer and deduce from the next chapters. At the end of the book things become more clear as Jimmy finds out who his real Mum and Dad is. ‘She was holding out a small green notebook. ‘This is very intriging and begins to unravell the true story of this book. I think the notebook is her diary so it tells some secrets, hence the name secrets. This sentece is very short which suggests there is a big secret. It is also at the end of the chapter so it gives the reader an oppotunity to reflect and think about what is going to happen next†¦ If I was Jimmy I would feel worried because the 3 people he thought he knew most well were keeping a big secret from him. I would also feel confused because my aunty had just handed me a small green book without saying anything. In Jimmys swimming pool dream at the beginning it is unknown what this dream could mean. When I first read this chapter instantly thought the shadows at the end of the pool was himself once he knew who he actually was. Once I had had read most of the book I realised the shadowsat the end of the pool wasn’t the person he was going to be but his family and who they were going to be. The swimming part of the dream and not being able to reach the end symbolises to me the journey Jimmy has to go through to find out more about his family. When he is swimming in the dream he comes accross many hurdles this symbolises the hurdles in his life eg. the bullying. This book has a very clever structure as the chapters are split up into groups, like a meal, nibbles, starters, main courses, desserts and bitter sweets. This is clever because Jimmy loves to cook and it connecting more to the main character. The section nibbles tells us that the 2 chapters there are going to give us tiny clues to help us in the rest of the book. As there is only 2 chapters in this section we can infer nothing major is going to happen. The next section is called starters which says to us that its going to start saying a bit more about jimmy. There is 9 chapters in this section which tells us that there is more to Jimmys life then expected†¦. Main courses tells us that the main event which this book is based around is going to happen. As a main course in a meal the most important it tells we need to pay close attention to what is happening. The next group is deserts. As desserts are sweet and sweet is seen as good, it tells us that something good is going to happen and this may be the happiest experienceshe has. I think bitter sweets is the most important section because it tells us something bad may happen but something good will come out of it in the end. I enjoyed reading that section the best because you can compare how Jimmy has changed during the book. The last chapter ‘not the last chapter’ tell us that this may be the last chapter for us but there is loads more adventures and experiences Jimmy will have in the future. I have enjoyed this book alot because it tells you how people change very quicly and makes you aware of how differnt people are. It also explores all the key aspects of Jimmys life, apperarance, personality, family and school. I think I have learnt good inference skills from reading this as to understand the book you need to ‘read between the lines’ .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A CASE STUDY of Bentley Security Company

A CASE STUDY of Bentley Security Company The work described in this report is the result of my own investigation. All sections of the text and results that have been obtained from other work are fully referenced. I understand that cheating and plagiarism constitute a breach of College Regulations and will be dealt with accordingly. Table of Contents Individual Project declaration †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ii Acknowledgment †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ iv Abstract †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ v Topic Page 1 Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1 1.1 Case study contents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 1 1.2 Introducti on of study †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1 1.3 Situation analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2 2 Question One Answer †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 2.1 Corporate Finance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 2.2 Ansoff matrix †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3 2.3 Product Life Cycle †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4 2.4 Value Chain †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 2.5 Competitive position of Bentley †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 3 Question Two Answer †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 3.1 Porter Five Analysis of Company †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 4 Question Three Answer †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 4.1 Bentley’s Management Buyouts †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 5 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.. 8 REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Abstract This case study about security company Bentley, which is providing both the products (alarms) and services (door supervisors) is ideal case study about the situation faced by medium firms and companies when they try some expansion strategy. Bentley tried an expansion strategy by going into security services along with its production business for that they went for acquisition. Unfortunately it was unable to manage it properly. There were many issues related to finance and human resource management. They have some solutions to regain their profiting position. Among those choices one is going for management buyout either for security Inc or for both businesses. They also need to look for efficiency issue of their work force. They must also invest some money into their research and development department which should brought innovation and advancement into their alarm products. Bentley can utilize their experience in industry to regain their position in the market and can also explore new market in future with innovation. 1 Introduction Before making an introduction to case study we will go through the case study material to understand situation given in the case study to get a better understanding of this case study. 1.1 Case study contents Bentley is a Security Company that has been trading in Go tham City for twenty five years. Recently, the senior management team met to review progress. Finance Director: I am concerned about our recent financial performance and it seems to me that we are in danger of being taken over at a bargain price. Our return on owner’s equity is 2% below the industry average and we have a large debt arising from the leverage purchase of Security Services Inc. What we can do to improve our financial results as soon as possible and, at the same time, convince the market that we have a long term viable future? Marketing Manager: In my view we have an excellent portfolio and our problem are mainly due to poor cost control. We progressed from our base in producing domestic alarm systems into commercial systems and then acquired Security Services Inc – which provides guard and watch services for commercial premises – that capitalized on our core skills at each stage. We decided into diversify because the domestic market was saturated a nd there have been large increases in the number of suppliers because it is now an easy business to get into as the technology has become standardized. The commercial sector was growing due to the current economic boom; but we have been stuck at 12% market share in the commercial systems market and while Security Services Inc had over 300 service contracts when we acquired it, we have not yet been able to attract any new customers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Same sex couples adoting children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Same sex couples adoting children - Essay Example Same sex couples are denied adoption of children on the assumption that children suffer in the process. Stability of homosexual relationships, suitability as parents, the ability of the children of same sex to cope with the family environment, the same parental anxieties and responsibilities experienced by the same sex parents are reasons enough to allow adoption by the same sex couples. According to Buxton and Warner adoption allows children whose parents cannot care for them to be placed within a family environment. It is a legal process by which the connection between the biological parents and the child is severed and new ties are formed between the child and the adoptive parents. Thus the legal rights are handed over to the adoptive parents and hence the welfare of the adopted child is of great importance to any state. The state has a right to determine if the adopted child is under the right care and is being given a healthy development environment. Initially women that could not conceive would go in for adoption but now with the same sex parents, adoption is becoming commonplace. Same sex parenting through adoption is taking place in countries like United States, Australia, Europe and Canada. The basis of decision in allowing adoptions is no more restricted to sexual orientation and marital status. Emotional security, stability and serving in the best interes t of the child govern the decision for allowing adoption of a child. Sexual orientation does not negatively impact the quality of parenting. There is ample empirical evidence to support the view that same sex parents are as successful in parenting as the heterosexual parents. Buxton and Warner find that no differences have been found in children from the two types of families in self-esteem, psychological development and peer-relationships. There is no evidence to suggest that adult children of same sex parents identify themselves as gay or lesbians. The desire for

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Math Autobiography Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Math Autobiography - Article Example The teacher did not grade our performances in such class activities but rather chose to mark a wrong or right, paying greater attention in determining our weaknesses which would then determine the solution approach adopted. Geometry particularly gave me problems initially. Specifically, I found it challenging to solve problems that required the determination of the length of the sides in triangles. There was a specific set of triangles that were standard in terms of the angles of the intersecting sides that was difficult to me. Problems related to equilateral triangles were simpler because of the equality in the measurements. However, problems regarding the other types, including scalene and isosceles triangles, were challenging to me. I would give significant attempts to solving questions regarding remote angles of a triangle but determining exterior angles were critically challenging. Moreover, there were problems that required complex shapes to be decomposed into simpler ones for their measurements to be determined. This posed the challenge of having to determine the appropriate shape and how to further determine the measurements. It was difficult to understand what made Geometry difficult to me. However, Holme argues that failure in findings solutions to problems could be attributed to fixed thoughts and inflexible approaches (6). The failure of familiar approaches to solve a problem could result in an experience of challenges. This could have been my problem because, even after learning the approaches to solving Geometry problems from my peers, I would still try to find how my approaches would fit in. I was afraid of adopting new strategies. However, I am now well versed with Geometry sums. I found the solution by starting with dropping all the methods I used to solve such problems. I then adopted new strategies as shown by my peer

Research Proposal Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Proposal - Research Paper Example This is because the combination ensures very high level of empirical representation of data as well as consolidates the validity and reliability of data collection and analysis. It is estimated that the present research will cost USD 900 and span for a period of 2 months. It would however become the hub of comprehensive information for Al Waseet to identify its market base and rightly strategize on both short term and long term to take advantage of this market. Background Al Waseet enters the Daily New Paper market as a new entrant who is faced with a number of critical competitions, which if not addressed could affect and undermine the success of the business (Project Management Institute, 2008). But to address the issues effectively, it is important to have a comprehensive marketing research that identifies key opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of the company (Alexis, 2007). It is against this background that the present marketing research proposal is necessary. It w ould be observed that access to information is fast becoming a necessity for the ordinary person on the streets of Bahrain (McClain, 2002). This is partly because the world is shrinking in terms of access to information and becoming closed up under the wheels of globalization. The Daiky Newpaper industry has therefore become competitive in Bahrain. This notwithstanding, Al Waseet is in a position to creating its own competitive advantage that would make it not just a local force in the business but a company with international repute (Perry, 2008). Problem Definition/ Objectives of the Research There exists a well formulated Newspaper industry in Bahrain (Gabby, 2009). This however does not mean that the door is closed to new entrants. The only problem is that new entrants would have to have their own competitive advantages and marketing strategies that would help them win new lines of customers. The objective of the research is therefore to come out with both short term and long te rm strategic marketing plan that would ensure that Al Waseet gains a competitive advantage as a new entrant on the Bahrain market. Approach to the problem As a marketing research, it is highly important that the proposed research have qualities that make it possible to have tangential access to information (Tawiah, 2009). More to this, it is important that data collected can be ascribed to both qualitative and quantitative scrutiny. In light of this, there shall be a mixed approach towards the research whereby the researcher shall use a mixed approach made up of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Research Design The selection of research design is directly linked to the research approach because the research design should be selected in a way that makes it possible to achieve the provisions of the research approach, which is proposed to be a mixed approach. To this end, the researcher proposes the use of survey research design for the present study. With a survey rese arch design, the researcher will be offered the opportunity to use a number of data collection instruments to collect a combination of qualitative and quantitative data from both the field and from existing literature (Alpha, 2005). Fieldwork/ Data Collection The fieldwork is going to constitute an important component of primary data collection. What this means is that the researcher is going to use fieldwork to collect

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategic management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic management - Research Paper Example In this sense, the GPS application should be capable of numerous roles in order to satisfy the customers. In addition, it requires the convenient of access and easy terms of use that does not make possible customers switch to other alternative products. In terms of horizontal scanning analysis, the Developer Economics researchers report that the mobile applications’ industry has grown into a huge entity thereby having a worth of $ 67 billion in 2013 (Pappas 2014, p. 1). The research site predicted that the industry would double its size by 2016. The success stories of wide-stretching consumers apps such as WhatsApp are a great influence (Goggin & Hjorth 2014, p. 13). It is crucial, however, to highlight that a communication platform shares a greater potential in the market than a travel product. This is because communication is an everyday experience. Big players such as Apple Inc. possess the strategy of having in-built applications. This deters the success of other companies that deal entirely with mobile applications. There are notable opportunities and threats in the mobile application industry. In terms of opportunities, it is crucial to highlight that the industry has the advantage of fitting in every area of life. In a consumers’ market that is increasingly demanding convenience, mobile applications is the easiest way of initiating such a feat. The GPS mobile application, for instance, eases the idea of regular travel. In close relation to this point, mobile applications’ companies can satisfy the mini functions of mobile phones. For instance, the WhatsApp Company only utilized a given facet of communication, texting. There are opportunities in collaboration that the mobile apps’ companies can utilize. These collaborations occur either vertically or horizontally. Mobile apps are unique products since they do not require significant

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Human Resource management of Fire & Rescue service Essay

Human Resource management of Fire & Rescue service - Essay Example gic HR then was Karen Palframan, says that the Service has to transition from a traditional paradigm of service delivery to one which is dovetailed to the service risks of the audience that they serve. She says they need to be adept at operating their equipment, particularly for geriatric populations, and other groups which pose greater vulnerability. Prevention of fires and dealing with high jeopardy situations must also be addressed adequately. She further shares that this is a hallmark for the FRS (The Chief Fire Officers Association, 2006) Human Resource Management, or simply HRM, is considered as an integral component of the operations of any enterprise. HRM may be used as an effectual strategic approach of managing people to achieve the objectives set by the organisation. Guest and Peccei (1994) and Schwind, Das & Wagar (1999) state that an essential means to business vitality lies in the effectiveness of human resource management. HRM focuses on recruiting, screening, managing the performance of, and rewarding employees (Stone, 2002). Developing career opportunities; equipping employees with competencies; enhancing their current capacities; doing purposeful performance management; motivating employees; promoting safety; and ensuring the accuracy of job responsibilities are just some of the roles the HRM play. All of these practises are to be viewed as unified, and in aggregate have a beneficial effect upon employees and the enterprise as a while (Morrison, 1996; Schwind, Das & Wagar, 1999). This synergy, is generated when the combined HRM practises enrich the organisations workforce, and when such empowerment is reflected in increased productivity (Stone, 2002; Yeung & Berman, 1997). Organisations are more likely to enjoy success when HR practises are synergistic and relevant. In order to achieve this, Bowen and Ostroff (2004) suggested that the bundled HRM practises be implemented to stir motivation among employees, compelling them to elicit desirable,

Monday, September 23, 2019

'An emissions trading scheme is a better policy instrument than a Essay

'An emissions trading scheme is a better policy instrument than a carbon tax in tackling climate change.' Critically evaluat - Essay Example Two of the most widely accepted instruments in this regard are: ‘Emissions Trading Scheme’ and ‘Carbon Tax’ (Van Asselt, 2010, p.126). Both of them are being utilized by the government in order to reduce toxic emission in the natural environment. However, the government has only limited the amount of emissions rather than solving this issue from the roots. Emissions trading scheme allows the industries to release a certain amount of pollutants in to the air. It is basically a market based approach which is supported by economic incentives (Cass, 2005, 38). When a firm successfully reduces its emission of pollutants then it is most likely valued by the government. In contrast to this the carbon tax is a mere pricing strategy according to which households and firms are supported to control pollution with the implementation of various technologies and plantation. In this case the firms have to pay a certain amount of tax because of burning fossil fuels or causi ng gas pollution (Eckersley, 2010, p. 367). This paper aims to critically evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of both the pollution controlling strategies while supporting the claim that emissions trading scheme

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mule Killers Essay Example for Free

Mule Killers Essay â€Å"Mule Killers†, 2004 by Lydia Peele is the gripping story of love and the difficulties around it. It deals with issues such as fatherhood, friendship and marriage, including the conflicts surrounding these. Lydia Peele presents the story of a father telling his son, who is the narrator, an anecdote from his early life. The anecdote is an unhappy love story of the narrator’s father’s love life, and the relationship to the narrator’s grandfather. In a story with its roots in rural America, a much deeper story appears. This is a story of love, hope and the decisions of life. It is the story of the struggles and difficulties that are a part of life. The story, set in the countryside of the USA, presents a group of interesting characters with strong personalities, that each have their way of participating to the story. It is especially the father and the grandfather that have great significance to the Lydia Peele’s short story. The grandfather is presented as a man who is afraid of letting go of his usual surroundings and habits. This is seen on line 77-78, page 4. The grandfather tells the father: †You’re gonna see a future I can’t even stretch my mind around. Not any of it. I can’t even begin to imagine†. The fact that he has such difficulties imagining the future, points towards the conclusion that he would rather live in the present. He would rather live his old fashioned life and not worry about the future. The grandfather’s way of thinking seems old fashioned and generally conservative. When his son explains how he accidentally impregnated a young woman, without having any intentions of marrying her, the conservatism shines through. The grandfather replies on line 86-87, page 4â€Å"This is wrong†¦You got no choice but to take care of it. This is wrong†. The two different worlds of son and father clash, and the true differences are shown. Even though father and son look upon the world with different points of view, the son still has massive respect for his old man. His father is actually his role model, which is also shown throughout the text: â€Å"My father has his father’s height, and he carries it apologetically†(line 7, page 2). The word â€Å"apolegitacally† points towards the fact that the son is aware of the superiority that his father possesses. The son has difficulties living up to his father and his way of life. He wants to possess his father’s ability to show no emotion and how to be â€Å"a real man†. He hides the feelings that strong men traditionally do not feel: He is trying hard to keep certain things inside his chest: things like fear, sadness, and uncertainty†. (line 7-9, page2). This could very likely be a typical trend of the time and environment that the story takes place in. The final main character in the anecdote is the narrator, who is the son to the young man with love problems in the short story. The son is a first person narrator, so the point of view is limited to him. His main function is to tell the story. An actual presentation of his personality is not included. As stated earlier, the setting has great importance for the personalities of the main characters in the story. The setting is in Nashville, just before industrialization modernized the farming life with tractors. The father in the story carries typical traits of a farmer dedicated to old norms, such as no illegitimate children. A possible explanation of this could be that the state of Tennessee is located in the Bible belt, which is known as a highly religious area. There are also other elements of the setting that point out the religious beliefs that the two main characters have: â€Å"At church she always sits with the same girl† (line 14), page 2. The use of the adverb â€Å"always† proves that the son and father attend church on a regular basis. Whilst reading â€Å"Mule Killers† several obvious themes jump out on the page. The main theme seen in the short story is the generational difference between father and son. As stated earlier, the father tries to hold on to his old norms and principals, whereas the son believes in a modern way of life. The difference is illustrated when the son decides not to marry the girl whom he impregnated. The father regards this as uncaring and irresponsible. The views of the son seem to relate to the modern world of today. It becomes more and more ordinary to have a baby outside of marriage without the intentions of helping the mother nurture the child. A specific example is seen in MTV’s â€Å"Teenage Mom† television program where several teenage girls give birth. The program also shows the way the father typically tends to leave the mother after birth. If this had happened in the time where the â€Å"Mule Killers† takes place or prior to it, it would have had major consequences for the father of the child. One can therefore conclude that the times constantly change and some people will always be â€Å"caught† in the past, which in this case is the father. This could also be a possible message of the story. The message could be that norms change throughout history, but not all people follow the change. Regardless of this, it is still important to respect the people who have a hard time dealing with the future. Lydia Peele manages to take the reader on a journey of love and the relationship between the narrator’s father and grandfather. She also shows the reader the different norms and beliefs that the two generations have, and the clashes than can rise to the surface due to this. She also presents the stereotypical religious middle class farmer at this time. This is done by using a small farmer town located in the Bible belt as a setting. The short story is a touching and mind bobbling tale portraying the relationship between two sets of father and son. It tells the tale of the relationship between the narrator’s father and grandfather. The relationship between the narrator’s father and grandfather is presented as a relationship built on a general respect for the elderly. The narrator’s father respects the grandfather since he listens to what he says, and obeys the rules that the grandfather upholds. It is also the tale of how the setting, which is the farmer community in the US during the industrialization, has a major importance for the outcome of the story. The highly religious setting is represented in the Narrator’s grandfather’s point of view regarding childbirth. All in all the short story shows the difficulties surrounding love and how to deal with it in a sensible matter.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Sex Tape Of Joost Van Der Westhuizen

The Sex Tape Of Joost Van Der Westhuizen Joost van der Westhuizen, the former Springbok rugby captain, was secretly taped in a bare-looking room with a blonde stripper while snorting a white substance with her. Heat Magazine, a South African celebrity gossip spot, can be seen as publishers constituting to invasion of Joosts privacy according to South African Media ethics and the after effects that has inevitably affected Joosts personal life and rugby reputation. It was the scandal of the year in 2009 when heat exclusively brought South Africa the sex and drugs videotape of Joost in the 250th issue, whereby the story further unfolded months after the first publication of the videotape. Joost denied being involved in such a sex tape to the extent that his team behind protecting him took the original videotape from heats attorneys to the CSIR in Pretoria to have it analysed for authenticity. (www.heat.co.za : 09/05/2011) We are given the breakdown in the magazine and on the Heat Homepage, however, from an ethical perspective we can argue that such invasion of privacy shouldnt have constituted Heat winning an award for the scoop, but rather further legal actions shouldve arisen. The word ethics is based on the Greek word ethos, referring to character. Heat Magazine journalists, like all other print journalists, have to make ethical choices. The line of privacy is defined by the code of ethics, and deals with the philosophical foundations of decision making, or choosing among the good (ethical) and bad (unethical) options that one now has to face through such publications by journalists. Ethical decisions in the media determine what the public will read, hear and see. Thus heat magazine chose for the public to read and see this invasion of Joosts privacy. However, one needs to also take into consideration that ethics is such a broad and complex code, and poses a primary problem for the media public, students and journalists alike. What is ethical has to be moralising, and the argument then follows if publishing a sex and drug scandal with graphic images and unknowingly authentic information in the eye of the public. Regarding teleological theories, one can see Hedonism as a feed off to the Heat Magazine theme and structure. The Hedonists believe that pleasure is the sole purpose of life and thus means of information can be twisted to an extend as long as people are receiving pleasure from the information. (Froneman and De Beer, 1998: 296) However, one needs to consider the Utilitarianism effect which briefly explains the difference between wrong and right, and that everything should inevitably bring the greatest amount of good. (Froneman and De Beer, 1998: 295) As Heat magazine twists information for pleasure, one must also consider the goodness that needs to come out of it, in order to not break the code of conduct. Gossip, the general content of Heat, is poles apart to a formal academic publication and can be seen as idle-talk, exaggeration, broken telephone or a rumor. Gossip is ideally about personal or private affairs of others, and constitutes to a degree of the invasion of privacy. It is a way of sharing views/facts but also has know as a means of communication which has the tendency to produce and introduce errors and variations. Gossip can be seen as personal or trivial nature, as opposed to formal means of information. (Niko Besnier, 2009) Thus, heat is already risky with its content, however has evidentially stepped over the line with this explicit videotape of the former Springbok. Van der Westhuizen views the release of the video as a scandalous attempt to sell tabloid news, a means of entertainment for the public. (www.iol.co.za/news: 08/05/2011) Inevitably exactly what Heat Magazine aims to do through gossip Entertain. Not only is Joost a married man to Amor Vittone, but being a former captain of the Springboks, he is the hero in the eyes of many South Africans. Heat thus did take advantage of the publicity from the scoop as Joost is a well known celebrity in this country, however crossing ethical boundaries is a downfall on heats behalf. The ten commandments of Ethical Journalism according to Johan Retief (2002: 44 45) in George Claasens (2005) article Why Ethics Matter, follows the code of ethics that journalists need to take into consideration before publishing a story, despite the magazines publicity and reactions which might be increased. Firstly, the content of the publication needs to be accurate and secondly, truthful. The fact that Heat received the videotape from an unreliable source, or likewise a source that could easily be out to get Joost the content was not one hundred percent accurate at that time and still had to undergo authenticity, thus unethical. Thirdly, the publication must be fair and present all relevant facts in a balanced way. The videotape was in no way fair to joost, and produced no balanced facts. It was merely what the media call a juicy story to get people talking and buying heat at the time to find out the scoop. Similarly, the content must also be duly impartial in reporting the news, and in no way biased. It is clear that heat was, like the majority of their articles which are structured and themed around what the public want to hear is biased to the spiced up version of the story, rather than getting a fair ground balancing both parties sides and opinions. Joost had not seen the video or heard about it until the news was released in the 250th issue which is unethical due to its explicit and personal content. Thus the ethical code states that the publication must protect confidential sources and be free from obligation to any interest group. Above all, this publication unethically disrespected the privacy of individuals. Unless it is overridden by legitimate public interest, which is no way a matter of public interest but merely gossip. Nobodys personal sex life, especially not approved to be viewed by the public and unaware of the tape itself should be of the publics moral interest, and thus goes against ones rights. The publication can be seen as a level of intuition into privacy and despite refraining from stereotyping, is not socially responsible in referring to matters of indecency, sex and the usage of drugs. As the magazine is sold to all ages, the heat magazine is opening up unethical publication and explicit viewing to underage readers. Media ethics is important because the media need to regain their credibility, where thus can be seen as morally incorrect for heat magazine winning an award for such a scoop. The woman on the tape, Marilize van Emmenis, told her story in heat further on as the story progressed. Her ex- boyfriend who requested to remain anonymous, told heat that the videotape was all his idea and that was further beaten up by men which he claims was organized by Joost in 2006, where the video was confiscated and thus not released. (Heat homepage, www.heat.co.za: 08/05/2011) This again, constitutes for unreliable and biased sources which are not fully authentic and fair. The first issue (250th) to release the story of this scandal included graphic images of the former Springbok captain snorting a white power, which is believed to be CAT, while with a topless stripper. Additional information was and still is today available on the heat homepage website. One of the tabs names is Joostgate and entails the full timeline of how the story progressed as well as a link to the unclear and unreliable video where we can see the stripper prepare the camera in her bag. The fact that the incident was staged without Joosts knowledge and then given to Heat Magazine, heat couldve either produced an article with far less and more fair information about their findings without graphic images and a link to the video, or approached Joost in person before as this evidentially goes against his privacy rights. However, heat undoubtedly took advantage for their own benefits. On the 6th of March, as seen in the timeline on Heats homepage (www.heat.co.za, 09/05/2011), Mike Bolhuis tells the media that Joost will lay criminal and civil (human rights) charges against heat and the producers of the video and that proceedings will start on Monday. The fact that Joost had a leg to stand on and that he was ready to take the case to the court, immediately justifies that this publication has undergone means of invasion of privacy, along with going against other ethical codes. Joost van der Westhuizen announced at the end of March 2009, that he was not going to sue anyone for the video due to his reasoning being that South Africa has a weak legal system and would drag his court case out which would affect his personal life to a greater extend. Firstly, the fact that it has affected his personal life from content that was between him and a stripper and was not a means that effected anyone whatsoever is unethical for getting put out in the public eye, and secondly, the fact that he makes mention of the weak legal system it is distressing as a country due to the fact that such a scoop from Heat went on to win an award and got rewarded rather than punished. It merely fades such boundary lines for further publications and other journalists and the media need to take note of the code of ethics to not invade such privacy of an individual to such an extend again. The sexual conduct in the Code of the Broadcast Complaints Commission of South Africa (2003) states that sexual conduct is forbidden in the context of; A person who is depicted as being under the age of 18 to view such or participate and engage in such publication; to be open to explicit sexual conduct and finally sexual conduct which degrades a person in the sense that it advocates a particular form of hatred based on an individual which can cause harm to their personal reputation and emotional stability. Thus, this videotape and publication in the heat magazine goes against the Code of the Boradcast Complaints Commission of South Africa. Within the Code of the Broadcast Complaints Commission of South Africa (2003) where there is a reason to doubt the correctness of the news and it is practicable to verify the correctness thereof, it shall be verified before publication. Heat Magazine released this news in issue 250 whereby they were unaware of the correctness of this video and took a huge risk with Joost further denying that it was not him in the video. Regarding privacy in the Code of the Broadcast Complaints Commission of South Africa (2003), as both news and comments are concerned, there should be extra care and consideration in matters involving the private lives and private concerns of individuals. Invasion of privacy is one of the most controversial ethical issues. Despite including the harassing of celebrities and releasing false information about their lives, this issue does also entail using cameras to photograph an individual without them knowing. As seen in this case. Journalists do have a job to do however, which means they are paid to tell the public what they want to hear which often blurs the boundaries of privacy and questions what privacy is and when has one crossed the line. Justifiably, however, as this content entail sexual content and drugs and clearly is a production produced without the victim being aware of the video, Heat magazine has crossed the line. In conclusion, as Snyman (1994) argues that there is no absolute right of the public to know everything, this explicit and graphic heat publication has broken the codes of ethics by invasion of privacy of Joost van der Westhuizen, as well published as unfair and initially unreliable content which entails sexual and drug content. The mere fact that Joost was believed to be unaware of the videotape until Heat released the scoop, and that it entailed his private life which caused harm to his personal reputation and emotional stability such a publication should result in legal ethical punishments, rather than rewards through awarding heat magazine for such gossip.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bless Me Ultima :: essays research papers

â€Å"Bless Me Ultima† In the book â€Å"Bless Me Ultima†, by Rudolpho Anaya, there were two families represented, the Marez family and the Lunas family. These two families were very different, but were brought together by the marriage of Gabriel Marez and Maria Lunas. Through the eyes of their son Antonio one may see the comparison of the two. The differentiation of these two families is very clearly noticeable, such as in their personalities, the expression of their religion, and their everyday ways of life. One can easily see the difference in their personality even down to the most basic things. The Marez’s are very free spirited, they do not like to have to worry about things. They can be seen mainly riding their horses around the llano. An example of this is shown in the book where Gabriel Marez speaks of his move to Guadeloupe at the birth of his son, Antonio. In this he says, "The move lowered my father in esteem of his compadres, the other vaqueros who clung tenaciously to their way of life and freedom." On the other hand the Lunas are more down to earth. They are farmers, so they stay in one place to grow their crops, and are very land oriented. They concentrate more on work and less on the free will that can be seen in the Marez family. As far as religion goes the Lunas are far more religious than the Marez family. Religion plays a very important part in the life of the Lunas. They believe highly in God and everything else that is involved in the Roman Catholic religion. Maria Lunas is shown to be praying to the Virgin Mary on many different occasions in the book. The Lunas family has been encouraging Antonio to become a priest throughout his life, to the point that he believes he is obligated too. This is clearly shown in the book where Antonio states, â€Å"My mother was a devout Catholic, and so she saw the salvation of the soul rooted in the Holy Mother Church, and she said the world would be saved if the people turned to the earth.† On the other hand the Marez family is not very religious at all. They don’t believe that God plays a very important part in their lives. One can even see the differences through there everyday lives. The Marez family are very restless people.

Future of Our Galaxy Galactic Millenium :: Essays Papers

Future of Our Galaxy Galactic Millenium What Does the Future Hold? (adopted from an article by Greg Laughlin and Fred Adams, "Celebrating the Galactic Millennium", Astronomy November 2001) Not too long ago, we were looking forward to the New Millennium. To many of us, this was an important event of our lives. On a larger scale, however, the New Millennium looks insignificant. "If we adopt an astronomical perspective, however, a much larger and more distant celebration remains on the schedule-the Galactic Millennium," write Greg Laughlin and Fred Adam in their article Celebrating the Galactic Millennium. Laughlin and Adam speculate about the proposed changes to the Universe in the future and the coming of the Galactic Millennium. Present Day Galaxy According to the authors, the present day galaxy is relentlessly empty and spans a tremendous scope. In a scale model of the galaxy where stars are the size of sand grains, the nearest stellar system (Alpha and Proxima Centauris) is six miles away. Our Galaxy contains approximately 100 Billion stars. In this model, the stars move through their orbits at a pace of only a few feet per terrestrial year. The sun takes nearly 100 million terrestrial years to make a full circuit of the galaxy. The last time the sun passed through our current galactic longitude was in the middle of the Cretaceous period, when the giant continent Gondwanaland was beginning to break up into African and South America and the giant Carnotaurus enjoyed its place at the top of the food chain (before the reign of T.Rex). What Does the Future Hold? The authors' prospected views on the future of our galaxy are rather harsh. The authors argue that a billion terrestrial years from now-in 10 galactic years-the galaxy will look much like it does now. Certain details, however, will be different. As the sun executes its next ten circuits around our galaxy's central hub, our today-familiar constellations will be scrambled one hundred times over. Many of the night stars in the sky will no longer exist. Deneb and Rigel, for example, will explode as supernovae. Sirious will swell into a red giant and puff out a planetary nebula. Alpha Centauri, currently the sun's closest neighbor, will recede from the sun, and its apparent brightness will fade below the threshold of naked-eye visibility. As the next billion years unfold, Earth will face pressing problems because of sun's activity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jordan craters :: essays research papers

The Jordan Craters volcanic field is located on the Owyhee-Oregon Plateau at the southeastern end of a series of young basalt fields extending from near Bend, Oregon, through Diamond Craters in south-central Oregon (Volcanoes of the World). The Jordan Craters field is limited to the northern most and youngest portion of a larger (250 square kilometers) Quaternary alkaline basalt field. There are three major vent areas aligned north to south along surficial and inferred expressions of the regional Basin and Range faulting (Hart, W.K., and Mertzmann, S.A.). Fluid pahoehoe basalt flows emanated from each of these sources, with pyroclastic activity confined to small scatter cones and to a larger crater-cone complex (Coffeepot Crater) at the northernmost edge of the Jordan Craters portion of this field (Volcanoes of the World). This entire Quaternary alkaline basalt field is part of a larger field (nearly 800 square kilometers) that includes Pleistocene and Pliocene olivine tholeiite to t ransitional basalt flows and vents. Jordan Craters is a wonderful sight mainly because of its well-preserved vents and striking flow features. Near Coffeepot Crater, the flow surfaces are vesicular shelly pahoehoe, which grade to massive tube-fed ropy pahoehoe in the distal regions. A 75-square-kilometer coffeepot Crater is a heart-shaped tephra cone constructed of numerous overlapping lobes of alternating densely to weakly welded scoriaceous lapilli and bombs (Volcanoes of the World). The walls of the crater show good evidence for a fluctuating lava pond, which appears to have broken through and rafted away portions of the northeastern and southeastern crater walls. Backflow of the lava pond into the conduit is indicated by pahoehoe crust on the present crater floor. The Jordan Craters lava flow field is mineralogically and chemically homogeneous, whereas proximal tephra and flow deposits exhibit significant chemical heterogeneity which correlates with the eruptive history. Also noteworthy are the many excellent examples of basalt flow

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Class and School Size

It is important for students to receive the best education that their schools can offer to them because this would greatly contribute to their future and overall performance. Education is a significant part of a person’s life. Without it, people would have a hard time finding suitable and satisfying jobs and earn money. Still, several factors can affect a person’s learning process. Class and school size are important factors in students’ learning because this would affect their behavior and way of thinking.A class or school that is made up of a large number of students would be hard because it would mean that teachers and instructors would have a hard time monitoring each and everyone’s progress. They would not be able to concentrate on each child, which would somehow have a negative effect on the student because they would feel neglected and unimportant as compared to those who are being closely monitored. As such, there is a possibility that the students ’ learning and education would suffer because they would feel that they are not important members of the school’s community.A small sized class or school has its pros and cons. It would be good for the students because they would be guided and taught without much difficulty. They would also be able to build a close relationship with their classmates and their professors, which would help make them feel comfortable and can encourage them to learn. However, this type of setting would make the students used to being monitored and even â€Å"spoon-fed† with information. They may have a hard time adjusting when they encounter places where the population is larger, whether in another school or at the workplace environment.

Monday, September 16, 2019

”Bon Voyage, Mr President” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay

Bon Voyage, Mr President is a short story written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This is a tale of a South American President in exile. Nearing the end of his days, we are given an insight into the life of a man with injured pride, reminiscing the days that went by and so fast, where the President had lost everything he had worked for and knew. Quotes Bon Voyage, Mr. President ‘Resting on the silver handle of his cane’ This quotation emphasises the Presidents elegance and importance. His importance is enforced by the fact he carries a cane and not a common walking stick. A cane being the common tool of intimidation used by the military and by those who feel they are superior to the average civilian. The silver handle on the cane illustrates his elegance. He had style, elegance and capital, as well as authority, his overall effect being a man of status. ‘He was one more incognito in the city of illustrious incognitos’ This quotation is a contradiction. Incognito means in disguise, while illustrious means to stand out. This paradox sums up the President; he wants to not be noticed, but still wants fame. So while wearing clothes everyone else was wearing, something would make him stand out. He wants fame and power, but not for being the President in exile. ‘Only the weariness of his skin betrayed the state of his health’ Where the president dressed stylishly, with fine clothes, and his hair did not give away hints of age, with strands of grey hair, his skin was haggard and wrinkled that of an old man. The quotation shows that the president looked young and acted young, and if it were not for his skin he could have passed for a younger man. ‘On his first visit to Geneva the lake had been calm and clear and there were tame gulls that would eat of one’s hand’ This is a good example of Rhetoric. It uses sub textual language and Marquez uses persuasive writing. This statement implies that the president was very powerful and using the gulls as an analogy, compares them to civilians and how, once, they were at his beck and call. Reconstruction ‘When arriving in Trinidad he became one more poor man in a country full of powerful poor men’ This quotation is a contradiction; the stereo-typical poor person would not be powerful. This paradox expresses how the President must have felt. Opposed to his power and wealth from running a country, he was now somewhat inferior. In exile in a foreign country, he was surrounded by men that were raised in this milieu. Powerful, by the means, that they knew and almost dictated how everything worked. ‘Only the slight problem of not being a legal citizen in Trinidad deceived the actual situation of his affairs’ This quotation is a pejorative fact. The President might feel it a positive situation, as he could not be tied emotionally to any one place, so he cannot be hurt if he is, once more, thrown out, as in the case of Columbia. However it could also be a negative factor because things that will be a necessity for a comfortable life, e.g. a job, would be almost impossible to achieve. Free Choice; the Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing ‘One never can see the thing in itself, because the mind does not transcend phenomena’ This statement has sub textual meaning. On the surface it means, you cannot see something if the mind does not believe that it can out do the extra-ordinary. But underneath that, I feel that this quotation almost has a moralistic sub textual meaning, this being if you think that within yourself, you can’t do something and you don’t attempt to, you will never be able to. Once convinced it is impossible, it is. ‘My vision began to diminish in both scope and clarity, and I prayed despondently for the message that I had left to be procured by those to whom I had intended it, and not by those to whom the exorbitant value was exceeded only by their macabre predilections’ This quotation is a fine example of the stereo-typical religious belief that praying in a difficult situation, you will be relieved of all problems. The character looks towards G-d to firstly protect him and secondly protect the information he has been entrusted with being recounted to the wrong people. The character believes that g-d will help him and this is a very good illustration of idolism. There are many comparisons to make between the above eight quotes, as well as between the three extracts, all being entirely individual pieces. Bon Voyage, Mr. President and the Reconstruction are both somewhat related in the means that they have the same story line and background, the similarities very evident. But, however, The Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing is a very diverse piece of writing, expressing confusion, desperation and obscurity opposed to Bon Voyage, Mr. President and the Reconstruction, which was full of prosperity and understanding. All three of these extracts were well written and individual; however there are criticisms to be made. The President, in Bon Voyage, Mr. President, is a stereo-typical, military based, authoritarian figure. Things like ‘†¦stiff hat of a retired magistrate.’ Or ‘†¦arrogant moustache of a musketeer.’ all present the image of man in control, who would not commit a crime. In this description, nothing gives away any shrewdness or a clue that would reflect the offence he committed to be exiled. Marquez keeps some key information that would allow the reader to be more gripped by the short story, secret, and that, I feel, almost ruins the whole tale. By using a more Rhetoric type of writing the reader would find Marquez’s writing more intriguing. The Reconstruction is meant to be linked to Bon Voyage, Mr. President, however the author portrayed Mr. President as quite a different character. The author implied that the President was a laid back man, with much hope and little regret; he was looking towards the future and not at the past by saying ‘He now had a bounce in his step and he changed into a silk shirt with cotton shorts’. This Rhetoric gives the opposite impression to which Bon Voyage, Mr. President was trying to bestow. This is an easy mistake, but if read together would confuse the reader. The Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing is a very difficult piece to understand, with maybe hidden meaning. There was hardly any significance that could be drawn from it. A huge failure, of the author, was that, there did not seem to be any constant story line, there was a base, but the majority jumped from idea to idea. Also, the words used were difficult to comprehend in a short story and too many used too close together. This material was more novel quality rather than an extract or short story, the author should have kept in mind what type of story they were asked to compose and not trail from it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis or Current Ethical Dilemma in Health Care

There are many types of ethical dilemmas that plague the medical field but never is a dilemma more important than when dealing with life and death. In situations such as these, one must follow their own moral compass. When the case involves an entire hospital going against their religious mandates for the life of a woman, the decision becomes that much more difficult. This paper will analyze the situation one Phoenix hospital found themselves in and the repercussions it suffered because of it decision. St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona is a hospital internationally recognized for their neurology department. They have treated high profile patients such as Brett Michaels and Muhammad Ali, but neither has gained the hospital quite the publicity as a woman seeking treatment in November 2009. Alongside neurology, St. Joseph’s Hospital also has a noted obstetrics department and this is where the woman was treated. In late November 2009, a terminally ill woman came to the obstetrics unit suffering from pulmonary hypertension. She was 11 weeks pregnant. During the course of diagnosis, it was found that the pregnancy was exacerbating her illness by worsening her hypertension to the point of placing the patient in immediate danger of death. Doctors determined the only course of action to save the woman was to abort her pregnancy. With St. Joseph’s being a Catholic hospital, this decision went against their guidelines. The decision was taken before an ethics committee which decided to proceed with the procedure. The rationale for the committee’s choice was that they were seeking specifically â€Å"to save the woman’s life, not to end the pregnancy. (Clancy, 2010, p. 1) As a result of performing the procedure, the hospital was stripped of its Catholic status. The problem identified in this situation can be posed in one question; does the religious affiliation of a hospital have the right to dictate the care of a patient? Had the ethics committee gone the other way and decided not to abort the pregnancy, this would have prohibited the woman’s right to live. One should take into account that the patient sought treatment at a Catholic hospital and she should have been aware of their belief system. However one doesn’t know if the patient came to this specific hospital because of its Catholic mission or whether she had no choice in the matter. In either case, is it not a hospitals first duty to provide the best care possible for their patients? The best care for this patient was to abort her pregnancy but the guidelines of the hospital would rather have seen the patient die trying to save both. My personal values and ethical position in this case lead me to side with the hospital. I have always been a proponent of the pro-life ideal and this instance is no exception. The principles I advocate for the strongest are respect for the patients autonomy and beneficence. Keeping these principles in mind, the patient made an informed decision about her care and the hospital needed to respect that decision. As far as beneficence, the cost to benefit ratio was analyzed and a conclusion was reached that benefited the patient most. Utilitarianism is a theory I would apply to this case. Doing the greatest good for the greatest amount of people and saving those you can save. Sometimes the end does justify the means. This not to say that religion plays no part in treating patients, but it is my firm belief that if the Catholic guidelines had prohibited the patient to receive the abortion, two lives would have been lost. When making a serious choice in a case like this, it is important to factor in alternate resolutions. The first alternate resolution is the most obvious and would have had the highest priority; transfer the patient to a facility that has no abortion restrictions. This would have been the best case scenario; however the patient was not stable enough to be relocated and may have died in transit. Another alternate decision would have been to attempt to wait out the patient’s condition and treat her medically. Do to patient confidentiality, the specifics of the patient’s condition are not known. Based on the testimony of doctors at St. Joseph’s, the woman was in critical condition and had this approach been followed, the consequences would have been fatal to both mother and child. This information makes medical management the lowest in alternative priority. When faced with difficult ethical dilemmas, it is best to have a plan of action to assist in decision-making. A step by step approach often works best because it allows the decider to breakdown a stressful choice into workable parts. First one must identify the problem and ask the appropriate questions: What? Who? How? The second step is to identify one’s own personal values toward the dilemma. The third, fourth and fifth steps include coming up with reasonable alternative, examining them and then predicting the possible outcomes of those decisions. In the sixth step, one should prioritize the alternative choices to better identify the most acceptable one. The seventh step is where the final decision is made based on all the information gathered and a plan is created. The plan is then implemented in the eighth step. The final ninth step is when one evaluates the end result and determines if the decision made was the right thing. In evaluation of this particular ethical dilemma, the right thing was done. The decision to forsake the values of Catholicism to save the woman’s life was the right thing to do. The hospital agrees and therefore lost its Catholic status because they stated that they would have made the same choice again. (Kurtz, 2010) Dealing with ethics can be a tricky thing to navigate which is why it is paramount to have a good sense of one’s own moral compass. This is not the last dilemma this hospital will face but following solid ethical values and principles, they should feel confident in their ability to provide the best care to the patients they treat.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Behaviorism after the founding

Behaviorism as the third force in psychology have started out as a theoretical proposition of John B. Watson when he came out with â€Å"Psychology as The Behaviorist Views It† and have been known as the behaviorist manifesto (Benjamin, 1997). Watson proposed that psychology is the study of behavior and have put forth four major assumptions that form the tenets of behaviorism as a school of thought. The first assumption is that of evolutionary continuity which means that the laws of behavior are applicable to all living organisms. This assumption has substantiated the behaviorist’s use of animals in the study of human behavior.The second assumption is that of reductionism, this refers to the behaviorist’s belief that all behaviors have a physiological basis and that behavior is the body’s reaction to a stimulus. The third assumption is determinism, behaviorists support the idea that animals respond to external stimuli in specific ways and are inherently pr ogrammed into one’s brain from birth. The last assumption is empiricism which is one of the cornerstones of behaviorism and that it is the contention that only overt actions or behavior are measurable and observable and lend itself to the scientific method.Thus, to the behaviorist, psychology should be the study of overt behavior. B. F. Skinner was a self-confessed convert to behaviorism after reading Watson’s monograph; he was also influenced by the experimental studies of Ivan Pavlov (Bjork, 1997). Skinner developed a theory that was based on the classical conditioning paradigm of Pavlov and integrated it with his own definition of behaviorism. Skinner’s major work is his theory of operant conditioning, wherein he said that behavior can be conditioned through reinforcement and behavior diminishes when it is not reinforced.He borrowed from Pavlov the basic idea of conditioning, but instead of limiting it to a stimulus-response paradigm, he incorporated the impo rtance of rewards and punishment, which means that behavior is not only exhibited as a response to a stimulus but also as a form of association between the reinforcement given after the behavior. Skinner’s theoretical position made it obvious that he deviated from Watson’s radical behaviorism, because conditioning a she defined it involves cognition which Watson has strongly eradicated from his propositions.Moreover, the emphasis given to reinforcements and punishments hint at the need to acknowledge mental processes in the study of behavior. Skinner’s work was well received by the academic community much even that Watson’s initial paper was and this have spurned the interest of like minded psychologists who did support the methodological implications of behaviorism but was not receptive of the radical arguments of Watson. Skinner’s ideas made more sense because it did not advocated the idea that men are not thinking beings and were more able to ca pture how man behaves.Skinner’s kind of behaviorism somehow married the opposing views of mind and behavior and also gave importance to how environmental experiences and influences shape human behavior. Moreover, operant conditioning was applicable in a number of areas most notably education, child rearing and animal training (Skinner, 1966). Skinner’s behaviorism has also influenced other psychologists to study and conceptualize psychological phenomena using the principles of operant conditioning and indeed was the kind of behaviorism that has flourished for the last century or so in the field of psychology.Contemporary behaviorism have been identified as the study of social learning, wherein a behavior is learned through socialization and socialization is the process by which behavior is rewarded or punished by society (Smith & Woodward, 1996). The evolution of behaviorism from Watson to Skinner and to the present has been made possible by the vast research and theor etical models developed by psychologists who adhere to contemporary behaviorism. One of the hallmarks of behaviorism is the use of animals to study human behavior.Animal research has proven to be useful in understanding how man learns or can be trained to exhibit a certain type of behavior (Benjamin, 1997). Although animal behavior is limited, it nonetheless becomes necessary for behavioral scientists because ethical considerations in using a human subject in risky experiments are not permitted. For example, doing a research on the effect of light illumination to sleep deprivation is probably unethical to do on humans.Although animals are not exactly anatomically similar to humans, animal physiology and anatomy have been well studied and documented that tracing the reactions of mice to light will be easier and scientifically sound. The generalizations made based on this study is however limited but is an acceptable margin of error. Moreover, animals can be easily manipulated and sub jected to experiments than humans because they operate on an instinctual level and do not have to process the information given to them.The knowledge gained in studying animals is numerous but especially have been concentrated on learning and behavior and to some extent how drugs affect the brain or the body. Animal research can help us understand human behavior better because to some degree we share with them basic drives that are necessary for our existence and hence, learning how animals react to stress or hunger can give us the information needed to adequately explain behavior. Animals exhibit simple behaviors which humans share and have grown in complexity over the years but if analyzed is based still on simple behaviors.References Benjamin, L. (1997) A History of Psychology: Original Sources and Contemporary Research 2nd ed. New York: McGraw –Hill. Bjork, D. (1997) B. F. Skinner: A Life. Washington: American Psychological Association. Skinner, B. F. (1966). The Behavior of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis. 7th printing. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. Smith, L. & Woodward, W. (1996). B. F Skinner and Behaviorism in American Culture. London: Lehigh University Press

Friday, September 13, 2019

Impact of globalization on Indian Capital markets Essay

Impact of globalization on Indian Capital markets - Essay Example The paper tells that the stock markets in the developing economies like India account for a significant share of the activities in the global markets. Lowering the barriers relating to the flow of international capital in the post liberalization period has enhanced the stock market liquidity. Liquidity plays an important role in spurring the long term growth opportunities. In the absence of liquidity many profitable opportunities had to be foregone as people were unwilling to block their funds for long span of time. The increased liquidity in the Indian capital markets has been facilitated through foreign participation in the form of equity. Increased capital flows in the country have helped in improving the production base of the country. By way of this the total savings is distributed across countries with high potential that lack the necessary financial back-up. As a result of globalization the economic progress of a country is not affected by fund constraints. Studies have shown that an active capital market complemented by a sound banking system stimulate economic growth. The foreign participation in a country can take various forms like foreign institutional investment or foreign direct investment. In India the bulk of the foreign investment is in the form of foreign portfolio investment. The growth rate in GDP is an important indicator of the impact of the strengthened capital markets and stable financial system. The GDP growth rate of India has increased from the lows to the extent that the country ranks among the fastest growing nations in the world.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Advantage and Disadvantages of different modes of transport on a Essay

Advantage and Disadvantages of different modes of transport on a global scale - Essay Example He could always perch himself on an horse or an elephant or sledge himself using his dogs for his own personal transport. But when it came to moving material that belonged to him, he found himself in a tough spot. He had to invent wheels which started off as large logs to all those modes of transport today that we are going to discuss in this paper.In order to appreciate the way the freight transport industry is progressing and the methodologies that they have been adopting, it is important hat we understand their history and hence get a total perspective of the whole industry. The freight industry was and continues to be most important economic requirement that any of the countries would need. Many times in the history of the civilization of Man we find that the country that had better logistics won many battles and hence the war. Many times they also won wars that they never fought both economical superiority and logistic superiority. When a country could produce and sell their pro ducts across the world then they end up superior to the people who are yet to come to grips with the logistics of movement of goods and services.Let us trace the history of freight transportation from 1800 to the modern days. If we see today, there are five modes of transport that are very much in vogue. 1. The railways. 2. The waterways 3. The airways 4. The roadways 5. the pipelines. The ships had their major technology change when the steam engine was invented and they were mounted on the hitherto paddled or wind powered boats to make gigantic ships that could literally rush through the sea. The same invention also changed the way people and material traveled over the land as well in the form of railways. Steam engines altered the modes of transport on sea in 1807 and on land in 1829. Transportation now became cheap and fast over all the surfaces of the earth both land and water. This brought in a revolution that literally changed the way industry was looked at. The IC engines brought in another round of change with technological upgrade. The world became smaller and smaller with faster traveling and transport mechanisms, men could pack their material and send it over railroads that traveled over 5 times as fast an horse would. Soon there were the trucks and the vehicles that plied the roads. The roadways also changed the very approach to traveling by individuals. It also changed the way people started looking at manufacturing processes. With a reach that spanned every corner of the country, roads brought the neighborhoods as close as close can be. Central production with a distribution set up started forming across the country making cheaper products a reality. With IC engines another major development in technology was also ushered in. This was the aircraft. With the invention of the aircraft, we find the transport time getting reduced by more than 10 times across the world, leading time a world wide integration of manufacturing. This also was rising the scale of production and an economics of scale and the economics of logistics went together to make things possible in the country. Pipes and conveyors also formed another set of transporting mechanisms that helped in putting together an easy but effective way of transporting material over longer distances and huge volumes. 3. The Industry and how it works The logistics industry or transport industry has the following major constituents. 1. The supplier or the sender of the material 2. The buyer or the receiver of the material 3. Transportation in the mode of transport that is suited 4. In case of multimodal, arranging so that the time taken is

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Do managers take decisions for the good of the organisation or do they Essay

Do managers take decisions for the good of the organisation or do they behave the way they do for other reasons - Essay Example In the process of evolution, it is highly likely that the business developed from a one man enterprise or family business to a partnership, then to a public limited or private limited company. Ultimately it branched out from a local to regional and regional to international undertaking. It is highly probable, even inevitable, that the evolution and change in outside form also bring about changes in the internal handling of business decisions and operational practices. This becomes necessary as the tasks of managing the different aspects of the business become too complex and heavy for one man or a number of partners to manage alone. Ultimately as the business expands, it has to reinvent itself as a model of modern business enterprise. This will invariably involve the assignment or scheduling of tasks to professionally hired managers, with expertise in production techniques, Human Resources, marketing and sales, finance and accounting etc. Each departmental head becomes a prized resou rce, responsible for meeting his departments and workers goals and assignments. Authority and responsibility become interlinked, but seldom has it been seen that the upper management is taken to task for targets not achieved or a failed project. Rather, more often than not it is the middle and lower management and supervisors/ workers that are made to bear the brunt of the axe and the shame associated with it. This state of affairs often makes one stop and think- do managers take decisions for the good of the organization or do they behave the way they do for other reasons? This paper will argue that the interests of the organization are not always uppermost in the minds of the managers, rather, as they gain and wield power- managers tend to collude with each other for their own collective benefit, while in many cases insisting that failure was because of the ineptitude of people on the lower rungs of the ladder. I would rather state that managers keep their own interests uppermost in their mind at every turn. They are interested in their own survival, going as close to the top as they can, and toppling others who they consider as competition. The lower management or their subordinates are just pawns in the game (Rosen, 1988). The Evolution of the Modern Business Enterprise If we look at the evolution of a modern business, we see that it is quite likely to have its beginnings as a sole proprietorship or family business, in which every family member has a share of responsibilities. Or it could have started as a partnership, where two or more partners pooled together their skills, resources and business acumen to offer products and services to the general populace or those that needed their wares. The disadvantage here was that of unlimited liability, or cases where even their personal property could be attached to repay debts if the business failed. In time this led to the evolution of the corporate form of business ownership. As the Industrial Revolution swept through Europe and the Americas, investment was needed from both public and private sources to raise capital for infrastructure and the laying of railroads, transport and communication, factories and warehouses. The beginning of assembly line production at the Ford Motor Company meant that things could now be mass produced after breaking down the process into a series of steps. Then F.W.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Management accounting - Essay Example The economy is subject to market forces and that means that factors affecting the nation such as inflation can cause the changes. An economy may turn out to be favorable or unfavorable. That means that there may be a lot of money in circulation and that will make the customers to purchase more of the product. The other aspect of the economy that will cause a variance is the standard of living. If the standard of living among people improves, that will imply that the customers will be able to purchase more of the product and that will make the actual results to be better than the budgeted. In our case, the actual profit was less than the budgeted that implies that the economy could have worked against the sales. The economy can also cause an increase in the cost of raw materials. In our case, the raw materials turned out to be more expensive than the budgeted expenses. That indicates that the economy worked against the budget of the company. In the future, the company should consider inflation and its impact when formulating the budget. The trends in the economy should also be observed to ensure that all matters affecting the economy are considered. 2. Advertising- Advertising involves making known the products of a company to its target and potential clients. That means that the aim of carrying out an advertisement is to increase the sales volume of a product. Advertising will increase the sales volume if it turns out to be as productive as expected. A company should invest in advertising to ensure that it reaps the benefits that are associated with advertising. In our case, the profits of the company turned out to be less than the budgeted profit. That means that the advertising efforts were not as productive as expected. That can also imply that the company did not carry out adverting. This is because the sales volume was less than the budgeted sales volume. In the future, the company should formulate a strong advertising campaign. The advertising will

Monday, September 9, 2019

Is it important for society to try to save languages that are in Essay

Is it important for society to try to save languages that are in danger of disappearing Should governments create laws to encourage the protection of endangered languages - Essay Example It is very important for the society to preserve their languages. This is because it encourages the growth of culture and social progress. The steps taken to promote the propagation of native languages to encourage the linguistic diversity and the cultural traditions in the world, which inspires solidarity based on understanding, indulgence, and discourse. Most of these languages under threat of extinction are due to powerful languages such as English, French, Spanish, and German. Languages are the most important tools of communication. They help reflect the view of the world according to the different communities that speak marginalized languages. They are also tools of value systems and of cultural expressions. Languages contribute as the dominant factor that gives identity to various communities, groups, and individuals (Zrioka, 2012). Despite the increased importance of technology, it has also contributed to extinction of language. The age of cyberspace and digitalization has con tributed a lot towards the extension of these languages. This is because the use of powerful language like English has dominated the education system in many countries. It has made the young people to try to learn it for a better career (Council of Europe, 2010). The governments should create laws to encourage the protection of endangered languages. This can be done by setting up of a native language day. This will encourage the societies to maintain their cultures and traditions and strengthen the unity and cohesion of societies. Secondly, the government can protect the use of this language through the enacting Minority Language Protection laws. Protection laws will encourage the use of minority languages in various departments of the government. The Minority Language Protection laws should aim at encouraging training of interested people to use their native languages. This can be done by encouraging the training of native languages in government schools

How children develop their interpersonal skills Essay

How children develop their interpersonal skills - Essay Example Infants may cry to communicate their needs to their parents; they learn that when they cry they are fed and thus carry on with this routine. Eventually, with the correct training and assistance, children will learn that making use of words or expressions to communicate their needs could be their most effective technique (Hersen, 2011). This essay discusses how children develop their interpersonal skills and how digital technologies or electronic devices can be used to enhance children’s learning experience. Nevertheless, interpersonal skills are not confined with social tact like being courteous and well-mannered. Children’s social and interpersonal skills develop as they acquire communication skills. Numerous parents are anxious that their children are deficient in interpersonal or social skills, but this is a misperception in most instances. The essentials of social behavior originate from the emotional area of the brain, which is a vital determinant of morality, compassion, and fellow feeling (Hersen, 2011). Babies usually fret when they hear another baby screaming, for they know that someone is disgruntled. Hence several antecedents of interpersonal skills are perhaps wired to the brain, but experiences also affect the ability of children to recognize, understand, and react to others’ needs (Hersen, 2011). Focusing jointly on something is an early sign of interpersonal skills. Babies who often draw people’s attention to fascinating objects at nine months are more probable to be classified as socially capable at roughly two years. By their first year babies want or prefer people who support or give comfort to other people (Mathieson, 2004). Genuine fellow feeling, the capacity to understand and reflect on the feelings of others, is manifested by age five. In this young age, children exhibit remarkable improvements in self-discipline. Children who have greater self-discipline also manifest greater fellow feeling and more advanced sense of right and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

How the employees treat the customers on Customer Care department at Essay

How the employees treat the customers on Customer Care department at the Airport ( Customer Service ) - Essay Example The customer care department is single point resolution centre for the passengers who pass through their terminals. The customer care departments add value to the experience enjoyed by the customers while passing through the airport terminals. The valued experience provided to the customers brings them back to the same airports that have created relative preference during the journeys. All information related to the service for the customers and passengers at the airport is provided by the customer care department. Enquiries about lost baggage, availability of flights, update on flight timings, information on the basis utilities available at the airport, communication facilities from the airport and information on any other item related to the journey is provided by the customer care department. During the time of transit, the customer care department provides the right direction of the journey. In cases of discontent of the customers due to irrational behavior of any airport staff, the customer care department helps to resolve the issue. The functions of the customer care department at the airport are extremely important as they help in maintaining the smooth flow of journey by the passengers. This customer care department plays a vital role in ensuring that the passengers passing through the terminal enjoy a highly valued experience. At the same time, the customer care department at the airport plays a vital role in maintaining a peaceful and dedicated work environment which is beneficial to both the airport authority and their customers. The ways in which the employees of the customer care departments at the airport treat their customers as a customer service staff determine the value of experience provided to the customers that pass through their terminals. In order to treat the customers at the airport with an aim of delighting them, the employees should undergo training on customer service. Several research studies on customer care

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Bill of Rights Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bill of Rights - Coursework Example There is also the danger that individual rights of speech and assembly and redressal of grievances can be used by canny citizens to trouble others, for example, the encouragement of an intrusive media, and unnecessary litigation in courts of law. While such a clause may have been necessary for the security of the individual in pioneering days (this is also debatable, as these arms were often trained on the original inhabitants-the Red Indians-who have today been unjustly herded into settlements, in their own land) now, it has led to lawlessness: shooting sprees in malls and schools, for instance. Fourth: This amendment was enacted to ensure privacy as well as protection against unlawful or malicious action against citizens by the agents of the state, which may also be seen as the benefit accruing to a citizen from it. There are circumstances when exceptions to the amendment become justified for the sake of the security of the state and citizenry. These exceptions are, for example, detainment and search of a person who behaves in a suspicious manner, or searching of persons in sensitive areas like airports/ border areas. As a matter of fact, the 9/11 incident possibly happened because of adhering strictly to the spirit of this amendment, whereby travellers at airports were not checked thoroughly. The advantage to the citizen was that it was fair to him. ... Fifth: This amendment was enacted to ensure fair treatment of the individual who is charged with a crime. The advantage to the citizen was that it was fair to him. Even a citizen charged for a crime has a right to be fairly treated, especially in the event that he is wrongly charged. The disadvantage is that a canny lawyer could use the amendment to subvert the justice system. Eg, in the OJ Simpson case, the criminal case against Simpson absolved him of the murder of his wife, Nicole, while civil proceedings held him culpable! Sixth: The amendment like the fifth was enacted to prevent arbitrary treatment of an accused, and to ensure justice for all. This is an excellent provision governing the justice system, to safeguard a citizen's rights, and to ensure speedy disposal of cases. Any negative feature of this could come about not because of the amendment per se, but because of the way the system could be perverted by those seeking to take advantage of it. (eg perverting the law by canny lawyers to adhere to the letter of it minus the spirit.) Seventh: England had courts of common law, which gave legal (monetary) relief, and courts for equity which decided non-monetarily (an injunction, for instance) This amendment sought to combine both the jurisdictions. The advantage or disadvantage of the amendment depends totally on the complications involved in a case-especially where both equity and common law elements are involved. Complexity in the actual application of the amendment is inevitable, not because of anything contained within it, but because judicial disaputes are essentially complicated. Eighth: This amendment was enacted to ensure humane treatment of a crimininal, and herein lay its strong point. But a habitual